Spanking by rob2018|Published August 27, 2022 Merriam-Webster Online Dictionaryspanking (adjective)1. remarkable of its kind2.being fresh and strong - briskspanking (adverb) - very a spanking clean floor spanking newRelated Articles: Glossary: Unruly
Published August 21, 2022 Christening DEF: ceremony at which a baby is given a name and made a member of the Christian Church
Published August 27, 2022 Medicare DEF: An American service that pays for medical treatments for people aged 65 and over.
Published August 10, 2022 Fortify A castle, or fortified castle, is a type of fortified structure built during the Middle Ages by the nobility or royalty and […]
Published September 2, 2022 Lack thereof DEF: The thing mentioned in the prior sentence is lacking. Examples: 1. Money, or the lack thereof, is often the source of […]