Basic Chinese

This page is for Chinese language students who already know enough Chinese to read and write a few hundred characters and who wish to further develop their skills.

Three tools are covered in this section:

  • English translation of popular songs. Songs offer an excellent way to memorize vocabulary, because they are pleasant to memorize. Unfortunately, as often the case, when the translation sounds natural in English, it’s difficult to relate the English words to the Chinese; and when the translation is too literal, it doesn’t sound very natural in English. This site will strive to bridge that gap
  • The CCTV’s Growing up with Chinese series. This series is offered on the Chinese State TV’s  (CCTV) site. The episodes are very complete and excellent lessons by themselves. What we offer here are additional tools to help the readers memorize the vocabulary used in the series.   
  • A chapter on essential notions about reading, writing, pronunciation, etc., for those who wish to refresh their knowledge.