E102 Meeting an old friend


Jack: Excuse me, are you Michelle Brown? 

Michelle: Yes, it’s me. Sorry, I don’t know you.

Jack: I’m Jack, Jack White. We went to high school together in Toronto. I used to play on the football team

Michelle: Oh, Jack. I remember you know. You were the team captain. It’s been years! I never thought we’d see each other again here. How are you?

Jack: I’m doing OK, thanks. It’s so nice to see you again after all that time. Do you live in this area?

Michelle: Yes I do. My husband works here, and I own a little shop at the mall.

Jack: That’s nice. What do you sell?

Michelle: I sell computer games.

Jack: Interesting. I remember you used to be very good at those games. It’s nice to do something you love.

Michelle: Thanks. How about you? Do you live here?

Jack: No. I’m just here on business for a few days. I’m in sales too. I sell tools.

Michelle: I have to run now, but if you happen to go to the mall, drop by and see me, my shop is on the second floor, it’s called Games Unlimited. Maybe I can take a break and we’ll go have a cup of coffee together to catch up on old times.

Jack: As a matter of fact, I have a client to see at the mall this afternoon. Would you be free around 3 PM? 

Michelle: Yes, I have an employee who can look after the store for a while.

Jack: Great, see you around 3 then.

Michelle: OK. Looking forward to it. See you later.

Jack: Looking forward to it too. Bye now.

Related video English Conversation 02- Unit 07- Meeting a friend

Unit starts at 10:05


Al: Bob, isn’t that Michelle?

Bob: Michelle who?

Al: Michelle Laven. We all went to school together.

Al: Here she comes. Hi. Hey, Michelle.

Michelle: Hi, how can I help you?

Al: It’s me, Al. We went to school together. 

Michelle: Right, Al. And… Oh my God, Bob Wieldy! Bob, I haven’t seen you in years! How are you?

Bob: I’m fine, and you?

Michelle: I miss you so much!

Bob: Thank you.

Michelle: I thought I’d never see you again.

Bob: Some surprise!

Michelle: Oh! You bet! How’s your life? Are you married?

Bob: No, I’m not married yet.

Michelle: So you’re single then?

Bob: Free and single. How about you? Are you working?

Michelle: Yeah. I have a shop at the mall.

Bob: Really, what do you sell?

Michelle: Well, it’s a mobile phone shop. So I sell phones and accessories, at the mall.

Al: Hey, Bob and I are going to see a movie at the mall today.

Michelle: Interesting! Anyway.

Al: And Bob is going to buy a mobile phone today.

Michelle: Really, well then you can come to my shop.

Al: What’s your shop called?

Michelle: It’s called “Ring me”.

Al: I know that shop.

Bob: Where is it?

Michelle: It’s on the third floor, at the mall.

Al: OK.

Michelle: Well, OK, I’m sorry but I have to go now. I hope to see you later Bobby. Bye.



I have to run: I have to go.

Example: It’s been nice talking to you, but I have to run. I have an appointment in 15 minutes.

If you happen to go by the mall: If you go to the mall for other reasons.

Example: I don’t know what your plans are for this afternoon, but if you happen to be free, we can go have a coffee together. 

Catch up on old times: Talk about things in our past that we have not had the occasion to talk about until now.

Example: We have not seen each other in 20 years. We need to sit down and catch up on old times. We’ll have so many memories together.

As a matter of fact: In reality.

Example: Do you like the movie that just came out? Yes, very much, as a matter of fact, I went to see it yesterday.

Look after: Take care of.

Example: Could you look after the kids this weekend. I have to work overtime.

Looking forward to it: Expecting it with pleasure. 

Example: Thank you for inviting me to your home. I’m looking forward to meeting your beautiful family.


Select black bar below image to hear answer (on mobile devices, select the bar then tap the screen) 

A group of people working or playing a sport together.

Leader of a sport team.

Shopping center.

A period of rest between works.

Feel sad when someone you love is not there.

Feeling you get when you see something you do not expect (think you would see).


Play the role of Michelle in the text, using your own words.