E109 Stressed- out

Barbara: Honey, I’m home!

Bob: Hi there. How was your day?

Barbara: Terrible, I’m stressed-out; I’m having a headache.

Bob: I’m sorry to hear that. What happened?

Barbara: Everything went wrong today. First I was late because there was a terrible traffic jam this morning.

Bob: I was caught in it too, the roads are getting too crowded around here.

Barbara: Then my boss scolded me for being late.

Bob: That was not nice; it’s not as if you were late everyday.

Barbara: At the break I caught some co-workers gossiping something about me.

Bob: How do you know it was about you?

Barbara: They stopped talking when I entered the room and kept looking at me the entire time I was there.

Bob: You should ignore them. If they cannot tell you things to your face, they are not your friends anyway.

Bob: What can I do to help you get rid of the headache?

Barbara: Thanks. Talking with you has helped already. Maybe you would be nice enough to prepare dinner while I’m taking a shower?

Bob: Certainly. How about a glass of wine before your shower?

Barbara: I wouldn’t say no. Thank you so much for being so patient with me.

Related video English Conversation 01- Unit 19- Why do you have a headache

Video starts at 33:59



Select the black bar below the image to hear the answer (on mobile devices, select the bar then tap the screen) 

Things needed for writing and other tasks in the office: Paper, pencil, eraser, etc.

Book showing things to sell.

Series of letter and number in an address that are linked to that location.

Call out the letters of a word.

Large letter, uppercase letter


Play the role of Barbara in the text and answer a simulated phone call, using your own words.