E215 News headlines

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The Supreme Court erases the constitutional right to abortion
The five-decade-old decision in Roe v Wade is overruled

Joe Biden signs into law landmark gun control bill.

The most significant US gun control bill in nearly 30 years has been signed into law by President Joe Biden.

It imposes tougher checks on young buyers and encourages states to remove guns from people considered a threat.

Congress approved the legislation with bipartisan support this week, following a spate of mass shootings.

Why inflation looks likely to stay above the pre-pandemic norm
Even as supply-chain snarls ease, wage growth and price expectations are ticking up.

NATO holds its most important summit in generations
The alliance is fortifying its eastern borders. But it is divided over how far to go in Ukraine

The comeback of Pride in America

This year’s Pride in New York certainly started with a bang: Madonna, an icon for LGBTQ people, performed a surprise show on Thursday, flanked by famous drag queens

Russian missiles hit a kindergarten and an apartment block in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital. Joe Biden, America’s president, condemned the strikes as “barbarism”. On Saturday Russia gained full control of Severodonetsk in the country’s east, according to local officials. The fall of the city, after months of fighting, is Russia’s biggest military victory since capturing Mariupol in May.

Several liberal states began to take measures to further protect reproductive rights following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Lawmakers in California may propose a ballot measure to enshrine abortion rights in the state’s constitution. Minnesota’s governor signed an executive order banning state agencies from co-operating with other states’ criminal investigations into women who seek care in Minnesota.

G7 leaders announced a plan to create a $600bn global infrastructure fund to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative in developing countries. The pledge was a product of the group’s annual meeting in southern Germany. President Joe Biden said America would aim to contribute $200bn in private and public funds to the project; the EU will muster $300bn.

Roe V. Wade
Gun control
China Belt and Road Initiative


HEADLINE a line of words printed in large letters as the title of a story in a newspaper

US SUPREMEE COURT Has ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all U.S. federal court cases & state court cases that involve a point of federal law

ABORT to cause something to stop or fail before it begins or before it is complete.

LANDMARK A building or place that is easily recognized. An important stage in the development of something

BIPARTISAN supported by two political parties

SPATE A larger number of events than usual

PRIDE PARADE outdoor event celebrating LGBTQ social and self acceptance, achievements, legal rights, and pride.

SUPPLY CHAIN System of people and things involved in getting a product from the makers to the buyers.

SNARL An untidy mass of things that are twisted together

FLANK The side of something

DRAG QUEEN a man who dresses as a woman for entertainment

BARBARISM extremely cruel and unpleasant behaviour

LIBERAL respecting and allowing many different types of beliefs or behaviour

BALLOT MEASURE Question that appears on a ballot for voters to decide.

ENSHRINE to contain or keep something as if in a holy place

EXECUTIVE ORDER in the US, an official instruction given by the president or by a state's governor.

BAN: to forbid (= refuse to allow) something

INFRASTRUCTURE the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies.

PLEDGE a serious or formal promise

MUSTER: To come together. To produce something such as an emotion or support