E221 A medical examination


The annual health checkup (physical) is performed by the family doctor (physician), who is usually a general practitioner. If needed, he or she can refer the patient to a specialist for a more in-depth examination.

Nurse: Please step on the scale. We’ll check your height and weight.

Nurse: Please have a seat and roll up your sleeve, we’ll take your blood pressure and heart rate. Just extend your arm and relax.

Nurse: Please put on the gown and wait here. The doctor will be with you shortly.

Doctor: I need to listen to your heart and lungs with this stethoscope. Please take a deep breath and hold it… You can breathe normally now.

Doctor holds patient’s tongue with a tongue depressor.

Doctor: Say “A”.

Doctor:  I’m going to check your thyroid glands, tell me if it hurts. 

Doctor: I’m going to check your ears, please turn this way.

Doctor: I will now check your skin for moles.

Doctor: Everything looks normal. I will give you a prescription (requisition) for a routine blood and urine test, plus a chest X-ray, an abdominal ultrasound scan, and a pulmonary function test. If there is something unusual, we will call you within 10 days to schedule a follow-up examination; if you don’t hear from us within that time, we will see you in a year.




30 min Full Physical Exam Flow


Vitals, distress, hygiene, complexion, mass, lesion, nevus (plural nevi) (mole), turgor (rigidity of tissue), capillary refill, alopecia (absence of hair), scalp, palpation, cephalic (related to head), trauma, acuity, bilateral, wiggly, intact, quadrant, ptosis (drooping), ectropion (eyelid drooping), sclera (white of the eye), erythema (red eye), conjunctiva (eye lubrication), nose bridge, opacity, crescentic shadow, corneal, cranial, nystagmus (involuntary rhythmic side-to-side, up and down or circular motion of the eyes), convergence, an ophthalmoscopy (also called funduscopy, is a test that allows a health professional to see inside the fundus of the eye and other structures using an ophthalmoscope), brow, tympan, sinus, mucosa, dentition, cavity,  lymph node, trachea, murmur, auscultation, bowel, aorta, percuss, spleen, lap, lumbar, 



Talk about a medical examination you’ve had.