E317 How to write a resume


Source: Microsoft Office Templates


Career objective

What you have to offer, what kind of organization you are looking for, what you plan to do if you get the job.


  1. Accountant with 2 years of experience in payment processing seeking position in a large international accounting firm to hone my experience in accounting.
  2. Software engineer with 2 years of experience in website development and computer peripheral device programing seeking position with large international software companies to expand my experience in app development. 
  3. Proven IT manager with extensive experience in SAP, Oracle system implementation and migration; multilingual and multicultural, seeking challenging position with large international firm with multiple sites and international operation to broaden my horizon.

More examples at: My Great Learning



What you have done. What you have accomplished or changed.

Use action words (similar to those underlined)


Account payable accountant ABC Inc. – Toronto, ON July 2020- Present.

ABC Inc is Canada’s largest payment service company. It handles installment collection and bill payments for merchants (called Counterparts) who sell to customers on credit. 

Reporting to the Chief Accountant, my responsibilities include ensuring that the clients of my counterparts make their installment payments on time; verifying all invoices submitted to my counterparts for goods or services it receives and make all payments on its behalf, as well as ensuring that my counterparts deposit sufficient funds to cover their invoices; and preparing reports for management on all the transactions during the month.

This position has allowed me to develop valuable contacts with many important merchants in the Toronto area as well many banks and other financial institutions.     

IT Service Manager- ABC Inc. – Toronto, ON July 2020- Present.

Reporting to the Plant General Manager, my responsibilities entail the smooth operation of all the management systems plus a network of 600 computers and workstations. 

In addition to the day- to -day running of the plant’s IT system, which includes the operation and maintenance of servers, network, computers, workstations, etc., as well as the support desk, I successfully managed a $10 million project to replace ABC’s legacy management systems (HR, payroll, accounting, purchasing, maintenance) with new packages from SAP and Oracle; as well as the replacement of all the servers.

I also oversaw the $5 million conversion of the plant’s data network from copper wire to fiber-optics.

Both projects were completed on schedule, within budget, with a spotless safety record, and their start-ups were perfectly smooth.  

Director Market Development
ABC Inc. – Toronto, ON 
Jul 2010 – Jun 2015 

Developed strategic marketing and sourcing plans to support up to 2 million tons/year soda ash production; built a competitive intelligence system to identify key soda ash market threats and opportunities; identify and pursue sales to emerging new soda ash end-use markets.

Senior Purchasing Agent – XYZ Inc- Toronto, ON
Oct 2019 – Jan 2021

Negotiated spot and multi year supply contracts for >100,000 tons/year of water treatment supplies for the company’s plants located in several locations in Ontario, Canada.

Established, communicated and measured goals for the commercial team that were aligned with the overall water treatment business strategies. Managed diverse supplier relationships that ranged from Fortune 500 companies to privately owned businesses.

Played a significant role in influencing the government’s standards around water treatment.

Junior Web Developer
My Web Site Inc. – Montreal, Canada.
Jan 2020 – Jan 2021 

Implemented, deployed, and maintained several websites and web applications using Adobe AEM, Node, ASP.NET



Waterloo University
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.), Computer Engineering

2012 – 2017

Activities and societies: Waterloo Solar Car project

Bear Creek Secondary School
2009 – 2012


Technical skills

Your technical skills, what you know in your area of expertise, profession.

  1. Excellent ability to deal with my counterparts and their clients to resolve disputes.
  2. Good knowledge of html, CSS, Java script.
  3. In depth knowledge of management software packages; IBM, Sun servers as well as cloud based systems.  
  4. Expert user of the Microsoft Office suite of software.
  5. Excellent track record in project management.

Further readings: Indeed.ca


Soft skills

Usually there is no dedicated section for soft skills in a resume. You can include a few of your best ones in the “Skills” section and list your activities that demonstrate you have those skills in the “Activities” Section.

Some examples to include in the “Skills” Section (Must demonstrat them in your Experience or Activities Section).

  1. Demonstrated leadership abilities.
  2. Excellent communication abilities.
  3. Very resourceful.
  4. Fluent in English.

Further reading: Indeed.ca


Sport, hobbies, volunteering, club and associations memberships

Use this section to showcase your soft skills.


  1. Elected Class President in grades 11 and 12 (it shows other students believe in your leadership). 
  2. Lead a fund raising campaign that raised $50,000 to help flood victims in Central Vietnam in 2020.
  3. Founded my own computer repair business while attending University (to show you have entrepreneurial capacity).
  4. Fluent in English and French. I like to travel and have spent several months in Australia, Chile and Peru (to show you are multilingual and multicultural).
  5. Tutored other students in grade 10 (to show you are a good student and you are willing to do volunteer and community works).
  6. Captain of the University football team (to show you are a recognized leader).
  7. Nature and bird photography, won a prize for best landscape photography in 2019 (to show you are creative).
  8. Founder and President of the Toronto Chapter of Arduino enthusiasts. 

Source: ResumeGenius 


Employers skim through hundreds of resumes to select a few for interviews. In order to attract their attention you should use words that make your resume stand out in a crowd. Below are some examples:


 Lead, manage, organize, set up, oversee, develop, implement, modify, improve, identify, recruit, negotiate, etc.


Vast, extensive (experience), proven (record), demonstrated (leadership), in depth (knowledge), expert (user), valuable (contacts), important, premier, pioneer (company), successfully (managed, implemented, deployed), smooth (start-up), spotless (safety record), significant (role), excellent (tract record), fluent (English), outstanding (performance), sought after (professional), resourceful, creative, self-starter, motivated, enthusiast, eager, etc. 


Hone: To make an object sharp (to improve, perfect a skill)

Showcase: to show the best qualities or parts of something

Soft skills: Interpersonal skills, non-technical skills.

Assignment: Work given to someone.

Mentor: a person who gives a younger or less experienced person help and advice

Augment: Increase.

Market intelligence: Information about the market, competitors.

Cross-functional: Covers more than one function, department.

Delegation: Finding someone who has the ability to do well a job, let him/her do the job and trust him/ her to do it well. 

Empathy: The ability to share someone else’s feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person’s situation.

Elevator pitch: A quick, concise but complete message that can be delivered quickly (in the time it takes for an elevator ride). 



Talk about your education, skills, education