DEF: 1. An effort to do something 2. An offer of an amount of money to buy something.
EX: 1. He failed in his bid to unseat the current governor. 2. Several bids have been submitted to buy that building.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
bid (verb)transitive verb
a) obsolete - beseech entreat
b) to issue an order to - tell did as I was bid
c) to request to come - invite
to give expression to - bade a tearful farewell
a) - offer usually used in the phrase to bid defiance
(1) to offer (a price) whether for payment or acceptance
intransitive verb
(2) to make a bid of or in (a suit at cards) to make a bid command
a) the act of one who bids
b) a statement of what one will give or take for something , especially an offer of a price
c) something offered as a bid
an opportunity to bid
- invitation
a) an announcement of what a cardplayer proposes to undertake
b) the amount of such a bid
c) a biddable bridge hand
an attempt or effort to win, achieve, or attract - a bid for reelection
bachelor of industrial design
twice a day