The leader of a team.
I remember you, you were the captain of the football team.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
captain (noun)1.
a) (1) a military leader the commander of a unit or a body of troops
(2) a subordinate officer commanding under a sovereign or general
(3) a commissioned officer in the army, air force, or marine corps ranking above a first lieutenant and below a major
b) (1) a naval officer who is master or commander of a ship
(2) a commissioned officer in the navy ranking above a commander and below a commodore and in the coast guard ranking above a commander and below a rear admiral
c) a senior pilot who commands the crew of an airplane
d) an officer in a police department or fire department in charge of a unit (as a precinct or company) and usually ranking above a lieutenant and below a chief
one who leads or supervises as
a) a leader of a sports team or side
b) - headwaiter
c) a person in charge of hotel bellhops - called also bell captain
a person of importance or influence in a field - captains of industry
transitive verb
to be captain of - lead captained the football team