
1. To form a plan or idea.
“the dam project was originally conceived in 1977”

2. To become pregnant.
“she was conceived when her father was 49”.

3. Imagine, think.

“It’s inconceivable that a shop can close for a whole month because the owners go on vacation, but it happens in France”.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
conceive (verb)
transitive verb
a) to become pregnant with (young) - conceive a child
b) to cause to begin - originate a project conceived by the company's founder
a) to take into one's mind - conceive a prejudice
b) to form a of - conception imagine a badly conceived design
to apprehend by reason or imagination - understand unable to conceive his reasons
intransitive verb
to have as an opinion - I cannot conceive that he acted alone
to become pregnant
to have a conception - usually used with of conceives of death as emptiness think