DEF: 1. To accept something enthusiastically.2. To hold someone tightly with both arms
EX: 1. The healthcare industry has yet to embrace the digital revolution 2. The people who were rescued were crying for joy and embracing each other and their rescuers.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
embrace (verb)transitive verb
a) to clasp in the arms - hug
b) - cherish love
- encircle enclose
a) to take up especially readily or gladly - embrace a cause
b) to avail oneself of - welcome embraced the opportunity to study further
a) to take in or include as a part, item, or element of a more inclusive whole - charity embraces all acts that contribute to human welfare
intransitive verb
b) to be equal or equivalent to - his assets embraced $10 to participate in an embrace adopt, include
a close encircling with the arms and pressure to the chest especially as a sign of affection - hug
- grip encirclement in the embrace of terror
- acceptance her embrace of new ideas