DEF: to be the right size or shape for someone or something.
EX: This jacket fits me perfectly, it’s not too big, not too small, just right.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
fit (noun)archaic a division of a poem or song
a) (1) adapted to an end or design suitable by nature or by art
(2) adapted to the environment so as to be capable of surviving
b) acceptable from a particular viewpoint (as of competence or morality) - proper a movie fit for the whole family
a) put into a suitable state made ready - get the house fit for company
b) being in such a state as to be or seem ready to do or suffer something - fair fit to cry I was Bryan MacMahon laughing fit to burst
sound physically and mentally - healthy
a) a sudden violent attack of a disease (as epilepsy) especially when marked by convulsions or unconsciousness - paroxysm
b) a sudden but transient attack of a physical disturbance
a sudden burst or flurry (as of activity) - cleaned the whole house in a fit of efficiency
an emotional reaction (as in anger or frustration) - has a fit when I show up late
transitive verb
a) to be suitable for or to harmonize with
b) archaic to be seemly or proper for - it fits us then to be as provident as fear may teach us Shakespeare
a) to conform correctly to the shape or size of - it doesn't fit me anymore
b) (1) to insert or adjust until correctly in place - fit the mechanism into the box
(2) to make or adjust to the right shape and size - fitting the jacket to the customer
(3) to measure for determining the specifications of something to be worn by - fitted him for a new suit
c) to make a place or room for - accommodate
to be in agreement or accord with - the theory fits all the facts
a) to put into a condition of readiness
b) to cause to conform to or suit something
- supply equip fitted the ship with new engines often used with out
intransitive verb
to adjust (a smooth curve of a specified type) to a given set of points
archaic to be seemly, proper, or suitable
to conform to a particular shape or size , also to be accommodated - will we all fit into the car?
to be in harmony or accord - belong often used with in
the fact, condition, or manner of fitting or being fitted as
a) the way clothing fits the wearer
b) the degree of closeness between surfaces in an assembly of parts
c) - goodness of fit