DEF: A type of rock used for buildings, floors, sink counters, sculptures, etc.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
marble (noun)1.
a) limestone that is more or less crystallized by metamorphism, that ranges from granular to compact in texture, that is capable of taking a high polish, and that is used especially in architecture and sculpture
b) something (as a piece of sculpture) composed of or made from marble
c) something suggesting marble (as in hardness, coldness, or smoothness) - a heart of marble
a) a little ball made of a hard substance (as glass) and used in various games
b) any of several games played with these little balls
c) the rewards to be won in competition especially for a championship - used in the phrase all the marbles a game being played for all the marbles
- marbling
elements of common sense , especially - sanity persons who are born without all their marbles Arthur Miller
transitive verb
to give a veined or mottled appearance to - marble the edges of a book