DEF: the broken parts that are left of an ancient building, monument or town.
EX: Angkor Wat is the ruins of a temple complex in Cambodia and is the largest religious monument in the world

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
ruin (noun)1.
a) archaic a falling down - collapse from age to age … the crash of ruin fitfully resounds William Wordsworth
b) physical, moral, economic, or social collapse
a) the state of being - ruined archaic except in plural the city lay in ruins
b) the remains of something destroyed - usually used in plural the ruins of an ancient temple the ruins of his life
a cause of destruction
a) the action of destroying, laying waste, or wrecking
b) - damage injury
a ruined building, person, or object
transitive verb
to reduce to - ruins devastate
a) to damage irreparably
b) - bankrupt impoverish ruined by stock speculation
intransitive verb
to subject to frustration, failure, or disaster - will ruin your chances of promotion to become - ruined