DEF: Go or do something quickly.
EX: I had to rush this morning, I was late for work.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
rush (noun)any of various monocotyledonous often tufted marsh plants (as of the genera and of the family Juncaceae, the rush family) with cylindrical often hollow stems which are used in bottoming chairs and plaiting mats - Juncus Luzula
intransitive verb
to move forward, progress, or act with haste or eagerness or without preparation
transitive verb
to advance a football by running plays - rushed for a total of 150 yards
to push or impel on or forward with speed, impetuosity, or violence
to perform in a short time or at high speed
to urge to an unnatural or extreme speed - don't rush me
to run toward or against in attack - charge
a) to carry (a ball) forward in a running play
b) to move in quickly on (a kicker or passer) to hinder, prevent, or block a kick or pass - used especially of defensive linemen
a) to lavish attention on - court
b) to try to secure a pledge of membership (as in a fraternity) from
a) a violent forward motion
b) - attack onset
c) a surging of emotion
a) a burst of activity, productivity, or speed
b) a sudden insistent demand
a thronging of people usually to a new place in search of wealth - a gold rush
a) the act of carrying a football during a game running play
b) the action or an instance of a passer or kicker in football - rushing a pass rush
a) a round of attention usually involving extensive social activity
b) a drive by a fraternity or sorority to recruit new members
a print of a motion-picture scene processed directly after the shooting for review by the director or producer - usually used in plural
a) the immediate pleasurable feeling produced by a drug (as heroin or amphetamine) - called also flash
b) a sudden feeling of intense pleasure or euphoria - thrill
requiring or marked by special speed or urgency - rush orders the rush season a rush job
Benjamin 1745–1813 Am. physician & patriot
Richard 1780–1859 Am. diplomat & statesman - son of prec.