Noun: I did not think I would see you here, it’s a very pleasant surprise!
Surprised: I am surprised to see you in the office. I thought you would be on vacation this week.
The police surprised the burglar while he was robbing the house.
Surprisingly: It is a surprisingly pleasant to visit that plant; it was clean and quiet; I thought it would be a dirty, noisy place.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
surprise (noun)
a) an attack made without warning
b) a taking unawares
something that - surprises
the state of being - surprised astonishment
surprise (verb)
transitive verb
to attack unexpectedly , also to capture by an unexpected attack
a) to take unawares - police surprised the burglars in the store
b) to detect or elicit by a taking unawares - sometimes surprised a tragic shadow in her eyes Willa Cather
intransitive verb
to strike with wonder or amazement especially because unexpected - his conduct surprised meto cause astonishment or surprise - her success didn't surprise