DEF: To make fun of or to provoke (a person or animal) in a playful way.
EX: 1. Don’t get mad, I’m just teasing you.
2. It’s a bad thing to tease a dog by showing her a treat then not giving it to her.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
tease (verb)transitive verb
a) to disentangle and lay parallel by combing or carding - tease wool
b) - teasel
to tear in pieces , especially to shred (a tissue or specimen) for microscopic examination
a) to disturb or annoy by persistent irritating or provoking especially in a petty or mischievous way
b) to annoy with petty persistent requests - pester , also to obtain by repeated coaxing
c) to persuade to acquiesce especially by persistent small efforts - coax
d) to manipulate or influence as if by - teasing
e) to make fun of - kid
to comb (hair) by taking hold of a strand and pushing the short hairs toward the scalp with the comb
to tantalize especially by arousing desire or curiosity often without intending to satisfy it worry
the act of the state of being - teasing teased
one that - teases