DEF: To cut off excess materials.
You should trim the fat off the meat before cooking.
He spends fifteen minutes each day trimming his mustache.
After cutting the grass, he trims the edge of the lawn with a trimmer.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
trim (verb)transitive verb
to embellish with or as if with ribbons, lace, or ornaments - trim the Christmas tree the coat was trimmed with fur
a) to administer a beating to - thrash
b) - defeat trimmed me at chess
a) to make trim and neat especially by cutting or clipping - trim the hedges
b) to free of excess or extraneous matter by or as if by cutting - trim a budget trim down the inventory
c) to remove by or as if by cutting - trimmed thousands from federal payrolls Grit
a) (1) to cause (as a ship) to assume a desirable position in the water by arrangement of ballast, cargo, or passengers
(2) to adjust (as an airplane or submarine) for horizontal movement or for motion upward or downward
intransitive verb
b) to adjust (as cargo or a sail) to a desired position
a) to maintain neutrality between opposing parties or to favor each equally
b) to change one's views for reasons of expediency
to assume or cause a boat to assume a desired position in the water - a boat that trims badly
obsolete - excellent fine
ready for service or use , also in good physical condition - keeps trim by jogging
exhibiting neatness, good order, or compactness of line or structure - trim houses
in a trim manner - trimly used chiefly in combination the trim-cut forest vistas W. M. Thackeray
suitable or excellent condition - tries to keep in trim
a) one's clothing or appearance
b) material used for ornament or - trimming
c) the woodwork in the finish of a building especially around openings
d) the interior furnishings of an automobile
a) the position of a ship or boat especially with reference to the horizontal , also the difference between the draft of a ship forward and that aft
b) the relation between the plane of a sail and the direction of the ship
c) the buoyancy status of a submarine
d) the attitude of a lighter-than-air craft relative to a fore-and-aft horizontal plane
e) the attitude with respect to wind axes at which an airplane will continue in level flight with free controls
something that is off or cut out - trimmed
a haircut that neatens a previous haircut
town Ireland ✽ of County Meath 1781 - E pop